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We live in a digital world where cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular. As the blockchain technology becomes implemented into many different industries, it’s important to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and updates that come out. This list of resources will help you do just that!

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some of the best crypto resources for anyone who wants to learn about cryptocurrencies or get involved with trading them. We’ve compiled a list of websites, books/blogs, YouTube channels, subreddits (for those who are Reddit users), and podcasts so you can find whatever resource works best for you!

Learn more about Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency and it’s also one of, if not “the” oldest. It was created in 2009 by an unknown person or group using a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto to be used as digital cash for transactions without any middlemen (like banks). Bitcoin has grown tremendously since its inception with many people now owning bitcoin wallets which are basically just long strings that contain their public key address so they can send/receive bitcoins from others who have theirs stored on them too! You’ll want your own wallet before you start buying coins because there isn’t really anywhere else where someone will store yours securely like this - otherwise anyone could take all those hard-earned crypto assets away at anytime.

Bitcoin Wallets - Bitcoin Core Wallet This is a full node wallet that downloads the entire blockchain to your computer and stores it in order for you be able use bitcoin without any third-party service or company, like Coinbase.

It’s also open source so anyone can look at its code if they want too which means there are no hidden backdoors where someone could steal all of their coins from them… The downside though? There will always need internet access because this type needs an active connection with other nodes on what we call “the” network (which has been growing exponentially over time). So as longs as one person still uses bitcoins then everyone else does not have anything wrong happen either but when people stop using BTC than those who do

Hardware wallets

Hardware wallets are a type of cold storage that is considered to be the most secure.

It’s like having your own bank account in which you are able deposit and withdraw funds as needed without any third-party service or company, such at Coinbase.

The downside though? There will always need internet access because this kind needs an active connection with other nodes on what we call “the” network (which has been growing exponentially over time). So longs one person still uses bitcoins then everyone else does not have anything wrong happen either but when people stop using BTC than those who do use it could lose their coins if they don’t back up/save them somewhere safe first! This can also lead into another problem where there may only ever exist 21 million bitcoin

Crypto Communities

Crypto News Sites List

Crypto YouTubers Examples:

Portfolio Trackers

Learn more about Bitcoin

Bitcoin Wallets

Hardware wallets

Crypto Communities

Crypto News

Crypto YouTubers

Portfolio Trackers

Market information - Crypto Calendar - Great for following the news related to a specific cryptocurrencies - Aggregator of various crypto sites and news, filterable. - Aggregator from over a 100 different sources of crypto news. - News Aggregator (CoinDesk, Cointelegram, Bloomberg…etc) on one page - like the S&P500 for crypto, its an index of the 30 biggest cryptocurrencies - this is trying to be the Morning Star for cryptos - I like this site for looking at what ICO are coming up - Another good site for upcoming ICO tracking - More ICO listings and they have a “hype” rating - Probably the biggest crypto community,

Both Medium and Steemit have plenty of blogs to follow depending on what interests you within crypto

Analysis tools - charts cryptos across most major exchanges. - This ranking multiplies the number of tweets vs. sentiment estimate to produce a score. - Like Coinmarketcap, maybe better. - Great visualisations of various metrics. I find their correlations to be very useful. - breakdown volume by fiat currency, social media stats, code repository stats..etc - Charting Site - basically forms different ETFs out of cryptos. - See a matrix of price movement correlation between various cryptocurrencies over various periods. - Useful for scanning the market - ICO tracker which has summaries, shows teams, milestones, financials and gives a rating for each IC - Visualisation of price across different segments, primarily hashing functions and ICO release dates - compares the number of Twitter mention increase decrease to price - a list of all the known scam sites.

Portfolio Tracking

Delta and Blockfolio are the major mobile apps, we recommend Delta.

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